Most geologic processes that shape the surface of the earth and give structure to its interior operate over long time, up to millions and billions of years. The igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks exposed at the surface are the visible record of the geological processes of the past. From the time and space relations that those rocks manifest, geologist have built the geologic time scale, which is used for placing the geologic event of earth history in sequence according to ralative age. Spontaneous decay of radioactive atoms in rocks gives absolute ages that date the geologic period and the origin of the earth.
Geologists have divided the whole geologic history into units of varying magnitude. Together, they comprise the geologic time scale of Earth history. the major units of the time scale were delineated during the 19th century, principlly by workers in western europe ang Great Britain. Because radiometric dating was unavialable at that time, the entire time scale was created using methods of relating dating. It was only in 20th centry that radiometric methods permited numerical dates to be added.
The geologic time scale divided Earth's history into units of varying magnitude. It is commonly presented in chart form, with the oldest time and the event at the bottom and the youngest at the top. the principle subdivisions of the geologic time scale, called eons, inculde the Archean, Proterozoic(together, those two erons are commonly referred to as the precambrian), and ,begining about 524million years ago, the Phanerozoic(meaning "visible life")eron is divided into the following eras:Paleozoic("ancient life"), Mesozoic("middle life"), and Cenozoic("recent life").
You study and search very well!
ReplyDeleteThis is the blog. Therefore I want to know your consideration and thought. It will make your blog better!
I ask one question. If you can go geologic time, what do you want to investigate ?
ReplyDeletethank you for you comment. I will make my blog better than before.
DeleteIf I can go to the geologic time, I will go to the cenozoic period when the hunman beings appeared. I want to konw how can we be in the world.
Question1: If the older stratum exist deeper, has the very old stratum melted in magma?
DeleteQuestion2: Why do creatures become fossils?
Question3 : Currently how do we search strums ?
Comment:I feel history of earth is fantastic through this blog.
Suggestion for improvement: You should write your thinking.
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