We all familar with the magificent array of scenry on Earth's surface. It varies from the ice-covered to dry desert to teamy jungles. Geomorphology is the study of the varied landforms on the surface of the Earth, which I will talk about.
Three primary influences affect the type of scenery that may be produced at a given point on Earth's surface. The first is the local geology_the type of rocks and structures that make up the land. The second is the local climate, cliamte varies with latitude; it is warm and wet the equator and cold and dry at the poles. Climate also varies as a result of atmospheric circulation. Time is the third major influence on landforms. Earth's contients are moved around on teconic plates, slowly changing position on the surface of globe. Accrodingly, the local climate will change with the time, and so well the landscapes that are formed. In a wod, Landforms are controlled by the local geology and climate,and by time.
Before examing different geomorphologic environments, we must explore the role of gravity(mass wasting) and running water(the hydrologic cycle) in shaping the planet's surface.
Mass wasting refers to the downslope movement of rock, regolith, and soil under the direct influence of gravity. In the evolution of the most landforms, mass wasting is the step that follows weathering. The combined effects of mass wasting and erosion by running water produce stream valleys.
The hydrologic cycle describs the continuous interchange of water among the oceans, atmosphere, and continents. Powered by energy from the Sun, it is a global system in which the atmosphere provide the link between the oceans and continents. The processes involved the hydrologic cycle include precipitation, evaporation, infiltration(the movement of water into rocks or soils through cracks and pore spaces), runoff(water that flows over the land), and transpiration(the release of water wapor to the atmosphere by plants). Running water is the most important agent sculpting Earth's surface.
Now the following will examine landforms.
As with the glacial envrionment, the desert environment is defined by climate. The scarcity of water that serves to define desert regions gives rise to unique landforms, although the basic principles of erosion, sediment transport, and diposition are the same in desert as anywhere on the continents.
As we know, the Earth has many landforms,so I can't write all the forms in my blog. The surface of the Earth is changing slowly by the time, what the earth will be like after thousands of years? Can you image that? No, I can't.
Hope you can feel the huge of the earth.
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